An ongoing collection since 2020 featuring gold leaf details amongst gradient geometry.
“Celeste” 2023, Oil and gold leaf on linen, 30x60 inches
The Zodiac Collection
All 12 signs in their constellation form.
“Brave” 2023
This painting is the spark of courage that comes in the face of adversity. The inner fire that says “I could do this! I must!”
Part of a collaboration with Julia Douthwaite Viglione who is making a quilt inspired by this painting.
Gold leaf and oil paint on canvas, 30x40 inches
“Zagreus” 2023, oil and gold leaf on panel, commission from the game Hades
“Seabrook” 2023, oil and gold leaf on canvas, 16x20 inches
“Bubblegum” 2023, oil and gold leaf on panel, 12x12 inches
“Spearmint” 2023, oil and gold leaf on panel, 12x12 inches
“Smolder” 2023, Oil and gold leaf on panel, 30x30 inches
“Evergreen” 2022, oil and gold leaf on linen, 30x30 inches
“Confluence” 2022, Oil and gold leaf on panel, 16x20 inches
“Coffee Kisses” 2022 Oil and gold leaf on canvas, 8x10 inches
“Embrace” 2023, Oil and gold leaf on panel, 16x16 inches
“High Tide” 2022, Oil and gold leaf on panel, 30x30 inches
“Lily” 2023, Oil and gold leaf on canvas 16x20 inches
“Worthy” 2022, Oil and gold leaf on panel, 18x24 inches
The Triforce Triad is in homage to one of my favorite games, The Legend of Zelda. Each painting represents one of the three main characters in the series, from left to right: Link, Zelda, and Gannon
“Courage” 2022, Oil and gold leaf on panel, 12x12 inches
“Wisdom” 2022, oil and gold leaf on panel, 12x12 inches
“Power” 2022, Oil and gold leaf on panel, 12x12 inches
The first set in this collection is the below quartet. Designed to be hung together in a grid pattern, they represent the four seasons and my favorite parts about them. Clockwise from “New Beginnings” Spring, “Heatstroke” Summer, “Break The Rules” Autumn, and “Snow day” Winter.
“New Beginning” 2021 Oil and Gold Leaf on Panel 30x30 inches
“Heat Stroke” 2021 2021 Oil and Gold Leaf on Panel 30x30 inches
“Break The Rules” 2021 Oil and Gold Leaf on Panel 30x30 inches
“Snow Day” 2021 Oil and Gold Leaf on Panel 30x30 inches
“Five Of Coins, Reversed” 2021
Oil and gold leaf on Canvas, 36x36 inches
This painting represents the tarot card ‘five of coins’. Its symbolism is a church in a snow storm, with five diamonds as the coins in the stained glass windows of the church. Traditionally this card is telling the reader to ask for help, but when read upside down, it means to give generously to those in need.
“Halcyon” 2022, Oil on Panel 12x12 inches. Commission for Kelcy Y.
“Neapolitan” 2022, Oil and gold leaf on panel 12x12 inches. Commission
“Poesidon” 2021 Oil and gold leaf on Panel 30x30 inches
“Nyx” 2021 Oil and gold leaf on Panel 30x30 inches
“Apollo” 2021
Oil and gold leaf on Panel, 30x30 inches
“Poesidon”, “Nyx”, and “Apollo” Is the second set in the Golden Thread series. They are inspired by the greek gods they are named after. The base design for all three of these pieces are the same, with the color breaking the pattern.
“Emergence” 2021
Oil on Linen, 20x30 inches
This painting is shaking off the last of winter and tulips pushing out of their bulbs. The cusp of spring is a delight and I wanted to create that with color!
“Kite” was inspired by a piece of polished marble I saw at a friends house. I wanted to emulate the pattern the veins made in the stone in geometric shape. What emerged was a fluttering light motif with a pearlescent shine.
“Kite” 2021 Oil and gold leaf on panel, tryptich 36x24 inches each, 36x72 inches total
“Candy Pop” 2021, Oil and gold leaf on 3 panels, 24x54 inches
“Candy Pop” is the second rendition of an all over motif, made after “Kite”. Here the painting holds feelings of eating pop rocks in middle school, playing video games with your friends, and holding bright feelings of innocence close to your heart.
“Sunbeam” 2022, Oil and gold leaf on panel, 5x5 inches
“Seafoam” 2022, Oil and gold leaf on panel, 5x5 inches
“Mermaid” 2022
Oil and gold leaf on panel, 5x5 inches
These three small paintings were made for a show at Gallery Ergo called “Green Around The Gills”.
“Whirl” 4x4 inches, oil and gold leaf on paper 2021
“Steady” 4x4 inches, oil and gold leaf on paper 2021
“The Past Is Ashes”
Oil on panel, 30x30 inches
The very first painting using gold paint in my gradient work. I often say this phrase to myself when I get hung up on problems. It’s letting the dead be dead and moving forward after growing from past ‘fires’. The gradient tone in this piece is carefully selected to represent that.
“Dandy” 2020 Oil on Panel, 8x8 inches
“Struck” 2020 Oil on Panel, 8x8 inches
“Storm Witch” 2020
Oil on panel 8x8 inches
A short series working with the diamond orientation within the golden thread series. These three painting were directly inspired by my close confidants and their bright personalities.
The first of the Golden Thread Paintings
This small 9x12 inch sketch painting was done with a palette knife and the back of a paintbrush in 2020. It kicked off the golden thread series using gold leaf on top of oil paint.