Why You Need Hotjar
Using this changed the way I look at websites. The analytics you get with your website can only take you so far. With Hotjar you get heatmaps and recordings of how your art collectors are using your website, so you can make better designs and more sales.
Not an ad, I’m just a big believer!
Get Hotjar: https://hotjar.com/r/r6de01d
Submit to Brush Work: https://www.stephaniescott.art/brush-work-submission
Host and artist Stephanie Scott breaks down the practicality of the art career with topics including: sustainable creative practices, social media skills, and the mindsets that keep it all together. New episodes every Tuesday!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stephaniescott.art/
Website: http://www.stephaniescott.art/brushwork
Music by @winepot https://www.instagram.com/thewinepot/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@stephaniescottart
Podcast Cover photo by Maryna Blumqvist https://instagram.com/picturemaryna