Summer Art Marathon - 92 Days of Improving Your Art


Welcome to the Summer Art Marathon

A project designed to establish a daily creative practice, bring your ideas into reality, and make some artistic friends along the way. 

The next start date is July 1st for 61 or 30 days of art making!

This Summer we will do 30, 61, or 92 days of flexing our creative muscles in a project of your designing, supported by a community of like minded artists.

Do you have a project that you've been dying to make?

  • Have you always wanted to make a comic?

  • Learn how to draw botanical illustrations?

  • Use up all those collage pieces you've been collecting for years?

  • Crochet enough granny squares to make a blanket?

The Summer Art Marathon is for you!

Here's how it works:

The Summer Art Marathon begins June 1st. Each day of the marathon you will complete an drawing, a painting, a comic, a piece of a cross stitch, a digital rendering, or something else that relates to your core Project.

First, Choose your difficulty:

Easy: 30 days, 1 month Choose to start June 1st, July 1st, or August 1st

Medium: 61 days, 2 months June & July or July & August

Hard: 92 days, 3 months The full project, all summer.

Want to get really good at designing quilts, perfecting your live drawing skills, or learn a new digital art program? Keep reading!

Second, Choose your Project:

When considering a Project for SAM, think about something that will take you an entire summer to complete. Think about skills you want to develop, stories you want to create, and what you might do with the project once it’s all done.

When you sign up for the Summer Art Marathon, you will fill out this short form:

Project title:

Description & goals:


What you'll make each day:

Easy, Medium, or Hard:

Social link:

Here are some Project examples:

  • Project title: 92 Botanical Illustrations

    Description & goals: I want to get more specificity in my drawing skills, especially with scientifically drawn flowers.

    Materials: Colored pencils, watercolors, graphite

    What you'll make each day: The first 30 days: one graphite drawing a day. 2nd month: one colored pencil drawing a day. 3rd month: one watercolor illustration a day.

    Easy, Medium, or Hard: Hard

    Social link: @instagram or website

  • Project title: 45 page Sci-fi Comic

    Description & goals: I’ve got a story outlined and now I need to illustrate it. The story is about X, Y, Z, and features my characters: A and B. This summer will be for outlining the pages and if I get to it, inking them.

    Materials: Digital comic software, sketchbook, pens, pencils, etc.

    What you'll make each day: Each day I’ll sketch out one page of the comic. Then when all the pages are planned out, I’ll move on with inking them.

    Easy, Medium, or Hard: Medium (2 months)

    Social link: Website or Instagram

  • Project title: Granny Square Blanket

    Description & goals: I want to make a blanket in time for fall, and making a granny square crochet blanket seems like fun! This is my first time trying crochet.

    Materials: Yarn, hooks, audiobooks

    What you'll make each day: One square a day!

    Easy, Medium, or Hard: Hard

    Social link: website or Instagram

Stephanie’s 2024 Marathon Project:

Project title: 92 Transcriptions

Description & goals: Small copies of masterworks in a 4x6 inch format or smaller. I'm trying to improve my composition skills and color attunement by following successful painters before me.

Materials: gauche and oil paint

What you'll make each day: 1 painting a day

Easy, Medium, or Hard: Hard

Social link:

Rules of the Summer Art Marathon:

  • Make something every day that is related to your project.

  • Every day of the marathon, take a picture of what you made and post it to the Summer Art Marathon discord. This is where the community lives and will be supporting each other.

    • If you would rather post to Instagram or not post at all, that’s fine, but you won’t get the full community experience.

  • After you posted your piece, comment something encouraging on someone else’s work.

  • No days off!

    • If you do miss more than one day, don't try to catch up. You'll have a better chance of successfully completing the marathon if you consider the past missed days as void and continue on with the current day. For example:

      • Stevie completes days 1-4, but misses days 5-8. On day 9 she restarts her marathon momentum and completes day 9's work. The past is void and there is no "Catching Up" to do.

  • You can go up in difficulty, but not down. For example: Easy to Medium is ok, Hard to Easy isn’t. This is a commitment!

  • On the first two days of each month you can change your project, but once we reach day 3, you are committed to that.

Tips for a successful marathon:

  • Don't miss more than one day in a row.

  • Choose a project that can be completed within an hour each day. Things that take longer than that tend to get abandoned pretty quick.

  • Invite a friend to do it with you, accountability buddies dramatically boost your success 

  • Always post what you've worked on each day, ‘complete’ or not.

  • Write your end goal down somewhere where you can see it every day.

  • Get your materials ready before the marathon starts.

    • For example: I’ll need to find 92 master paintings for my project before June 1st

  • Schedule time each day to work on your Summer Art Marathon and block it out in your calendar. 

  • Turn on notifications for the discord. Getting reminders for what other people are doing will help boost your motivation once the honeymoon period is over.

Lastly, there is no failing. If you sign up for Easy mode and only get 15 days of practice done, that’s 15 days more progress you’ve made than you would have without signing up for the Marathon.

I’m so excited to make art with you this summer! Let’s learn new skills, bring our ideas to life, and geek out about art together! See you at The Arts and Crafts Table (Discord!)

The Summer Art Marathon is partially inspired by a project held on LiveJournal from 2009-2018 called ArtSlam. That project was more focused on original character development and illustration, and is now unfortunately abandoned. Miss you nerds!

Have questions about the marathon? Send me an email, a dm on discord, or comment below!

Host and artist Stephanie Scott breaks down the practicality of the art career with topics including: sustainable creative practices, social media skills, and the mindsets to keep us in the studio. New episodes every Tuesday!



Music by @winepot 

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Podcast Cover photo by Maryna Blumqvist