Questions For Creativity - 30 day journaling challenge
Questions For Creativity - 30 day journaling challenge
Questions for Creativity is a 30 day journaling challenge aimed at getting you reconnected with your inner artist. Expect a new question every day to explore your creativity and dive deep into what's holding you back. Topics include: creative history, studio efficiency, artistic goals, getting support for your inner artist, and planning for the future.
What you get:
A 38 page printable workbook with daily questions to feed your creative fire. This workbook is lined for ease of writing, with extra pages in the back. The workbook is a .pdf
Tips for a successful journaling challenge:
Block out 15-30 min for journaling every day.
Write more than a paragraph for each question.
The questions are designed to avoid short answers. Dig deeper if you put one sentence down and think- “I’m done!”
It’s ok if you can’t write every day. Do the challenge in 35, 40, or even 60 days if you need to. The goal is to finish all of the questions.
If there is a question you don’t want to answer/feel resistant towards, give it special attention and hone in on the why you are feeling this way.
There is no one way for completing the questions. You can write in this workbook, put them in your sketchbook, or type your answers in a digital journal. As long as you complete all 30 questions, then you are getting the full experience.
When you are done with the challenge; use what you’ve written to amplify your artist statements, website text, social media content, etc.
Getting the most out of this workbook includes being a part of the Discord community. You can do it solo, but it’s more fun with other artists.
The Arts & Crafts Table is a free, year round online community where you can get critiques on your art, participate in challenges, and chat with like minded creatives. I’d love to see your art!
Join the Discord