Push Periods


How to prep for a push period:

  • Set really specific goals

  • Prioritize what needs to get done

  • Set an A list and a B list.

    • A- Things that MUST get done (The reason you are in a push period)

    • B- Things that would be nice to get done

  • Remove normal life boundaries

  • Make a schedule

    • Slot in A list items

    • Place resting times

    • Select an end date for the push period

    • Make time for errors and unexpected events

  • Organize your space, get food ready, etc

  • Set boundaries with people. Let them know you are in a push period.

How to sustain a push period:

  • Stay disciplined to your schedule

  • Respect your rest

  • Reevaluate your progress each day and change the schedule as needed

  • Use tools to manage stress- comfy shows to watch while painting, using nice scents in your space, keep yourself clean.

After the Push Period:

  • Evaluate what you accomplished

  • Plan rest

  • Return to your normal schedule

  • Make a list for what’s next, and don’t plan a time table that is similar to the push period. Give yourself more time.

Want to see what I’ve been working on during my push period? Come to my show at West Seattle Grounds during March, with art walk happening on March 14th, 5-8pm 2024.

West Seattle Grounds: 2141 California Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98116


Good luck with your Push Period! I hope you get the results for what you need and that you don’t burn out. You got this!

Host and artist Stephanie Scott breaks down the practicality of the art career with topics including: sustainable creative practices, social media skills, and the mindsets that keep it all together. New episodes every Tuesday!

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stephaniescott.art/ 

Website: http://www.stephaniescott.art/brushwork 

Music by @winepot https://www.instagram.com/thewinepot/ 

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@stephaniescottart

Podcast Cover photo by Maryna Blumqvist https://instagram.com/picturemaryna

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