Questions for Creativity - A 30 day journaling challenge for artists
Looking for a journaling challenge that focus on creativity?
Tired of morning pages that give you 0 direction on what to write about?
Join Questions for Creativity!
A 30 day journaling challenge to help you connect with your inner artist.
How it works:
Every day you’ll get a new question pertaining to your studio practice, creative community, the habits you have when making art, facing burnout, or the future of your artwork.
Questions for Creativity can be done solo in your journal, written in the downloadable .pdf, or with the active community of artists on Brush Works discord, The Arts & Crafts Table.
This live challenge on discord began on November 1st and lasts the whole month. Each day a new question will be posted for you to answer and interact with other people’s responses. This will be a great way to make new creative friends!
I will be doing the challenge as well, so you can get examples of what answers might look like.
What you need:
A place to write. Either your physical journal/sketchbook or a digital page to keep your answers.
Time to write each day. Expect to spend 15-30 minutes per question.
A willingness to explore your creativity and be vulnerable.
To join the discord! Grab the Questions for Creativity role and explore the page~
Where are the questions?
To keep you in the moment and not looking ahead, the questions will be released each day at midnight Pacific time.
If you would like to get the full list early, you can find it on Brush Work’s Patreon as a part of November 2024’s membership or as a digital download past that date. Find it here:
Here’s the first question to give you a sample of what they will be like:
1.When was the first time you felt creative?
Think about the earliest memory you have and write all the details surrounding the event: what you made, who was with you, how it felt, where you were, what you wore, and how that drove you forward.
What if I miss a day?
The intent of the challenge is for you to do all 30 questions. If you do them in 30 days, great! If you do them in 38 or 40 or even 60 days, that’s ok too. Take the time you need and don’t beat yourself up if you need to postpone a day.
That said, the free live challenge will be up on discord till the first week of December, when it then will only be available through Patreon.
Can I do this alongside NaNoWriMo?
Absolutely! You can count it towards your daily word count goal.
What do I do with my writing at the end?
The possibilities are endless. By the end of the challenge you will have text that can be turned into artist statements, artist bios, copy for your website, the first draft for a speech on your art, and so much more. Writing about your art is a powerful tool to have!
I hope you take the leap and join us for a month of creative writing and deep diving into your artistic self. It’s going to be so much fun! See you soon~
Join the challenge on Arts & Crafts Table, a Discord for creatives:
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Host and artist Stephanie Scott breaks down the practicality of the art career with topics including: sustainable creative practices, social media skills, and mindsets to keep us in the studio. New episodes every Tuesday!
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Music by @winepot
Podcast Cover photo by Maryna Blumqvist
November art challenge, november writing challenge, alternate nanowrimo, artist journaling challenge, journaling for artists, the artist way, Artist date, daily journaling practice, daily writing practice, questions for artists, creative help, burnout tips